Thoughts on "'Touching the Future:' Q&A with a pioneer on the vision and future of tablets 10 years after iPad"

The second article I read was "'Touching the Future:' Q&A with a pioneer on the vision and future of tablets 10 years after iPad"

This article was about a man who envisioned the creation of a tablet newspaper and then got to see it come to life through the iPad. His name is Roger Fidler. Fidler answers questions about his experience with the idea of a tablet newspaper and how it came to life. The first question he was asked was why his dream didn't come to life in the 90's and his answer was that the technology required to produce something like a tablet simply wasn't available. It's hard to believe that we would be 10 years ahead of where we are technology wise if we had gotten that kind of a head start.

He also answers a question about what everybody is concerned with and is the main focus for why so many publications are switching to online and that is how much longer will print media still be relevant and alive. He answered this by saying that before he had thought that there would always be a few publications that would continue to thrive through print publication and I would've agreed with that. But since the pandemic his answer has changed and I believe rightfully so. He basically states that the pandemic is going to change the way we do everything in this country, and journalism is one of them.

Overall, my impression of this article was that it was very relevant to the discussion of journalism converting to a more digital platform and would be useful for anybody looking to learn more about that.


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